Friday, February 27, 2009

Index 12


2. Puzzles just leaves that had been ripped up into little pieces so the little ones could put them back together. Was this a teaching aid so the kids could learn which plants were safe to eat.

3. "Play Time"

4. Kids

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daily Prgress Report 2/25

1. My goal today was to do more of my notecards

2.I accomplished my goal by doing my notecards

3. My partner helped me find more websites to look up caveman

4. To continue looking up more research on my project, and do more of my notecards.!

Index 11


2. Cavemen & Pre-Historic Hunters & Gatherers Were Lean with Athletically-Muscled Bodies! They were very active & Ate Natural Foods Full of Proteins, High-Fiber Carbs, & Good Fats

3. "Nutrients"

4. food

Index 10


2. Duraflame logs for fires, heat-seeking missiles fired from the comfort of their caves to bring down animals 20 times bigger than them, and quadruped-drawn cultivators to plant, grow and harvest a wide variety of crops.

3. "I live in the Stone Age"

4. Lifestyle

Index 9


2. Cavemen are sometimes depicted as living contemporaneously with dinosaurs, which where about a million years ago.

3. "depicted"

4. Living

Index 8


2. its more probable that the caves were religious gathering places or temporary shelter, and not the actual dwellings

3. "Caveman"

4. Religion

Index 7


2. Caveman once used to live in Europe, and later in Pre-Clovis, Clovis and Folsom Paleo-Indians in America, which might include their cave art such as stone tools, axes and spair points.

3. "Culture"

4. N/A-

Index 6


2. The stone age caveman did not record their history like regular caveman did. The oldest history that I have found was during the Egyptian time.

3. "Stone Age Cavemen"

4. Diffrent types of Cavmen

Monday, February 23, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Daily Prgress Report 2/19

1.My next action is to continue getting my Index Cards done

2.Today I did 2 Index cards, and my daily post


4.To finish working on my Index Cards

Index 3


2.Ancient hunters painted the sections of their cave dwellings where singing, humming and music sounded best, a new study suggests

3."Why would the Paleolithic tribes choose preferably resonant locations for painting," he said, "if it were not for making sounds and singing in some kind of ritual celebrations related with the pictures?"

4.Arts and Crafts

Index 2


2.Cavemen always tried to survive, during the great caution of strangers and other conduct, and was violently enforced. They had to rely on diffrent body languages to determine a threat.


4.How to survive being a cavemen.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Daily Progress report 2/9

1. Today I want to start putting new post on my website and begin doind research on my project.

2. Today in class i made me a page on delicious and on blogger spot.

3. Working with my partner

4. To begin doin my 7 questions

Daily progress Report 2/11

1. My main goal to achieve today was to answer all of my 7 questions, and get them complete.

2. I did all of my 7 questions

3. Working with my partner

4. The next class period i want to start on my index cards

Daily Progress Post 2/17

1. To start on my note cards and make sure that I was doing it correct

2. I worked on my note cards, and tried to understand what i was doing

3. It helped me enough where i got a few of my note cards done

4. To continue finishing my notecards.

Index Cards.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Product Perspectus

1. What's the life of a caveman like?

2. Drawing a picture

3. Because it was a good idea for me and my partner

4. the finished one is going to look very pretty, and colorful

5. Hard work

6. Staying focused and getting the work done

7. A good job